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How We Work Heading

Honestus provides a much personalised service; the Director handling the assignment does so from initial meeting to post assignment review and as such is responsible for providing detailed progress reports throughout the assignment.

We work with the client to develop the brief, first getting real insight into the organisation, its culture, aspirations and objectives before agreeing the profile and competencies needed to fulfil the role.

man reading paperThe next stage is to agree the methodology, the timescale (remembering that Honestus has the ability to work with condensed timescales), reporting requirements, and fee structure.

Once the methodology has been formulated and agreed, the process is instigated. Then the resultant candidate response is collated and the assignment Director will then evaluate each candidate’s CV and hold rigorous interviews against the agreed specification.

A full fact and information pack (including validated references and qualifications, behaviourial profile if requested, consultants’ notes and recommendation) is prepared on each short-listed candidate and is sent to the client in advance of the interview process.

Post assignment meetings are held with both client and candidate to ensure we have met client expectations and candidates are satisfied with their new role.

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